Fighting burnout during heatwave
Hey, everybody! Kuba from My Next Games here.
Not sure how this summer looks in your part of the world but for us here in Poland it’s hot. The temperatures are so high that most of the days everyone is just trying to hide from the sun. Maybe it’s just me spending too much time with our game's time manipulation mechanics but it seems like everything is happening in slow motion. Nevertheless I enjoy this change of pace. Between Digital Dragons and Summer Steam Next Fest, the last few months have been extremely busy. Now I can finally sit down and focus on making Hank: Drowning on Dry Land…
This unfortunately means that, besides solving some coding problems, there is not much to talk about this month. Don't worry, I won’t be boring you with some programming details. Instead I’d like to share with you some glimpses of what we’ve been planning for the upcoming month.
Right now our main focus is Hank. Although working on an ambitious time traveling game like that is fulfilling, it is also very exhausting. Who would have thought that making everything perfectly rewindable would take that much effort ;P What is the most discouraging is the fact that sometimes one day’s progress is so small that you feel like you haven’t moved at all.
Hank: Straightjacket, a free little game we made a few months back as part of the grand form CRPK, reminded us how refreshing it is to create something playable in two weeks. The game was very short and from the programming point of view it was held tougher with spit and duct tape… Making it was a lot of fun though. It was so invigorating that we decided to repeat this exercise whenever we get burned out.
In the weeks between Digital Dragos and Steam Next Fest once more we felt exhausted…
And so… we took a break and created this:
It’s called Starship Murder and we’re planning on launching it next month as a free game. If you want to know what it is and how you play it - stay tuned! I will be talking about it more as we get closer to the release.
Cya Around,